Nursery Offerings

Thank you for your interest in the EcoFoodscapes Nursery! All of our plants are grown organically and are free from pesticides or synthetic fertilizers that adversely harm the environment and our bodies.

Our plants have already been 'hardened off'. This means they are past their coddled days under grow lights and they've already gone through the process of becoming more resilient by spending more and more time outdoors. They can now reliably withstand DMV weather past Mother's Day (generally speaking).

That said, know your plant and your microclimates! Many of these are especially 'tender' to cold temperatures and you'll want to make sure you protect them if the forecast calls for a cloudless, chilly night. Most importantly, soil temperature should reliably be above 65 degrees F, regardless of the air temperature.

See below for inventory and prices. Spend $20,get a free plant.